Sleep and recovery are essential after any competition. Your recovery routine has a big impact on your fitness and performance. Recovery after exercise is essential to muscle and tissue repair and strength building.
Nutrition for recovery:
After a competition, you need to eat if you want your body to recover, repair tissues and get stronger. Try to eat within 60 minutes after the end of the competition and make sure you include quality protein and carbohydrates.
Hydration for recovery:
Electrolyte drinks – will replace energy and vital nutrients lost.
Water - it is essential to keep drinking water for a few hours after a competition, it will help flush out toxins built up from exercise.
Active recovery:
Stretching - will increase mobility and muscle adaptation to exercise.
Sports Massage – foam rolling is a good way to alleviate any minor injuries, muscle soreness or tightness.
Sleep is very important before and after a competition. While you sleep, your body produces Growth Hormone which is responsible for tissue growth and repair and has a significant impact on muscle recovery.