
I was a ‘can’t-sit-still’ child and fencing was a very productive way of channelling all that energy. For me, Fencers Club London training encourages me to strike a balance between nature and nurture - supporting me to be my best self and to bring my best game.

I did have a long illness and absence from fencing a few years ago. I was terrified to return but it was so powerful and special to come back with nothing but complete support from the club and the coaches.

A highlight for me has been enjoying the FCL training camps here and abroad. I feel so incredible inside once I’ve completed the intensive training – almost like a superhuman, with my passion and determination reignited.

Fencing at FCL has formed my DNA and definitely given me a sense of facing up to any challenge. It’s taught me time management and how to handle my education, social life and training. More importantly, I have learned how to manage stress and anxiety; the preparation I’ve had to do before competitions make any nerves before exams and interviews less daunting. I can get through anything. The skills I have mastered will serve me well - they’ve been gained through one-on-one combat where every point has been down to me. It’s been both a personal journey and one that I have been glad to share with FCL.



