
I feel very lucky to have been raised as a fencer within the Fencers Club London environment. It’s been a pillar of my life since I was a child, and helped form who I am today. The club is headed by genuine people who want the best for all of us – both on and off the piste. Not only do I come to FCL to train and progress, I also come to enjoy myself. To see my friends. To get better, together. 

A lot of my favourite memories in life come from the competitions, trips and camps I’ve done with FCL. I’ve been fortunate enough to see the world, from Europe to America and all the way to Asia. Sometimes I have moments where I just have to pinch myself and recognise just how genuinely lucky I am. I’ve seen things and been in situations I would never have experienced without FCL. I owe the club so much and am thankful every time I walk through the doors. Every session brings a different reason to smile.



